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Tadeusz Kantor
(6 April 1915 - 8 December 1990)
When Richard Demarco visited Poland in 1968, Tadeusz Kantor was already established as a fearless avant-garde theatre director and artist. Under Nazi occupation, he had founded the Independent Theatre and an experimental theatre in Krakow in 1942. Demarco's recognition of Kantor's importance led to performances at the Edinburgh Festival - in particular Kantor's Cricot 2 company performed at the 1972, 1973 and 1976 Festivals. The Water Hen was presented along with other works to great acclaim, so much so that it became "the least-publicised, most talked-about event at the Edinburgh Festival".
The critic John Barber, wrote in the Daily Telegraph:
"Apart from Kantor, the official programme of the festival turned out to be pitifully orthodox."
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